Located in Kansas City in the middle of the Crossroads Art District, Anne’s Gallery/Studio is open for Visitors by appointment. If you’re interested in colorful vibrant paintings and prints, call Anne at 816-842.3388 or send an email to schedule a time to visit. 


There will be Open Studio Events beginning in 2021. Email invitations are sent out…  If you’d like to know about upcoming events, sign up to receive Anne’s Newsletter & Artist Updates!


“I noticed that the play of lights and shadows by no means produced equivalent of any natural light… What, then would be its equivalent?  Why pure color!”

Paul Gaugin

"Travel is intensified living - maximum thrills per minute and one of the last great sources of adventure.  Travel is freedom." 

Rick Steven's Venice travel book


"I felt a consuming passion to create a new world, the world as I saw it with my own eyes, a world of my own. I heightened all my tones and transposed all the feelings I was conscious of into an orchestration of pure colors."

Maurice Vlaminck

“The power of colors in a picture should cast a forcible spell over the spectator…”

Wassily Kadinsky


“We look to dance to impart the sensation of living in an affirmation of life, to energize the spectator into keener awareness of the vigor, the mystery, the humor, the variety and the wonder of life.”

Martha Graham
(applies to ART too!)